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“Why is your head covered?” asked the young Bedouin girl in Arabic.
“Because I’m religious,” I replied in Arabic that flowed almost as smoothly as hers.
She looked confused. “Are you a Muslim?”
“No, I’m Jewish,” I answered with a smile. “Religious Jews also cover their heads. Like Muslims.”
“Wait,” she said, scratching her head. “Do you believe in God or in Satan?”
“In Satan?” This time it was my turn to be confused.
“Of course not! I believe in God. In One Supreme God.”
The girl stared up at me again
and declared, “Then you’re a Muslim!”
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Sometimes under the guise of a false identity, other times with the knowledge that his life may be at risk, Moriel embarks on fascinating journey, talking to hundreds of Muslims to find out what they really think about the Jews and their connection to the Land of Israel, and to discover what truly lies behind the so-called Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Through documentation and screenshots from many riveting conversations, the book shines light on the most pertinent questions that have accompanied the Jewish people in recent decades.
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